August 2018

Big piece of news this month!

Now the forms have been sorted and final edits signed off on, I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that my story, ‘Mystery of the Disappearing Decorations’ (renamed by the editors ‘Solved’), will be appearing in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s ‘The Wonder of Christmas’ later this year. It’s my first pro-pay non-fiction sale! ☺ And becoming a CSS writer has been on the hit list for while so I’m pretty psyched about that.

May 2018

Three pieces of news this month:

Firstly, my contributor copy of Beyond Steampunk arrived in the post! My story, Call of the Kinguyakkii, appears in this little treasure. Along with a whole cadre of tales by the likes of Alex Shvartsman, Joseph Cadotte, Kelly A. Harmon, Stewart Baker, Anne E. Johnson, Patrick Baker, Caitlin Marceau, David Hoenig and more. Old Sins have done a wonderful job, it’s a beautiful book.


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