Things With Feathers

Here it is! The Things With Feathers anthology. ? My quirky little steampunk-esque story, Dream Eater, was accepted for this earlier this year by Third Flatiron Publishing. And the cover art? It’s from my own story! Ahhh! My story has art on the book’s cover and is leading the anthology! This has made me mega happy. See it? That crow is Leith, and he’s holding a dream worm – the story is one of my stranger creations. I am so happy it found a home here. Even the title page has a little crow silhouette on it – so cute. This is an author first and it’s just so awesome! ?

Other recent acceptances are: Matchbox Daemons to ‘Cooties Shot Required: There Are Things You Must Know’ by Broken Eye Books – a cosmic horror market I’ve admired for years, and ‘What If?’ drabble to Martian Magazine. And I received a lovely contributor copy of Speculatively Queer’s It Gets Even Better. An awesome postcard even came with it! ?✨ It’s now available for purchase on Amazon.

Story Announcements

Two pieces of news. 1.) My little Victorian-esque horror story ‘Routes Best Left Untaken’ has gone live today! It’s appearing in issue 10 of Love Letters to Poe. You can now read it for free over at their website along with my little interview, or if you feel so inclined, you can go to the ‘listen’ section to hear my (first ever) published audio reading. ?

2.) My reprint, Weave Us A Way, is due to appear in Speculatively Queer’s inaugural anthology, Stories of Queer Possibility: It Gets Even Better. Although this story has been printed before I’m thrilled to be sharing it again, as it focuses heavily on the importance of identity. The editors have been so invested in this project too, helping to polish the manuscript to a high shine.