This was so awesome! Walked into Keele University’s Blackwell’s yesterday and released squeals of writerly joy. A WHOLE shelf given over to the four Flame Tree books I have short stories in, along with a lovely little note underneath. They’re sat up there with the likes of ‘The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe’, ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and ‘The Complete Cthulhu Mythos Tales’. Although I’ve always known they were ‘out there’ this is the first time I’ve ever personally seen them in the wild (before now I’ve just seen other people’s photos from far and yonder, which, while wonderful, don’t quite compare to seeing the real thing yourself), so this has been a major highlight of the week. Big thanks to Cathrene Rowell who, I’m sure, played a pretty big role in bringing this about.
- Science Fiction Short Stories: contains ‘Clockwork Evangeline’.
- Murder Mayhem Short Stories: contains ‘Fragments of Me’.
- Pirates & Ghosts Short Stories: contains ‘Echo the Damned’.
- Robots & AI Short Stories: contains ‘GOD is in the Rain’.
Each of these and the other titles in Flame Tree’s growing Gothic Fantasy collection feature a host authors, from amazing new talent to old classic masters, so they are well worth the read, not to mention being gorgeous to look at. Worthy additions to any bookshelf and I’m honoured to be a part of them. More information on them and the rest of Flame Tree’s products can be found here.