Well, writing-wise so far 2020 has been very productive. I can now announce 2 professional level short story acceptances. Both will appear in publications later this year. And there is a third piece of news… that for now will have to remain under-wraps. But I hope to announce it soon.

Firstly, though. After having to keep quiet for a few weeks, I can now gleefully announce that my original, contemporary, short horror ‘You Think You Are Safe’ will be appearing in Flame Tree’s ‘Footsteps in the Dark’ – one of the newest additions to their Gothic Fantasy range. And isn’t that cover just gorgeous? This will be my seventh appearance in their range, and it will be the second ‘second person’ horror story I’ve sold within a year. It’s a rather dark tale which revolves around a young couple in hiding: a researcher who is trying in vain to keep under control his lycanthrope girlfriend whilst feverishly searching for a cure. FT announcement link here. Amazon link here.

My second short story sale is with Cosmass Infinities! A new SFF magazine. My story… deep breath… ‘A Study of Mesozoic ‘Schistosoma’ in the Late Cretaceous Period and their Abundance in Large Theropods’ will be appearing in the venue’s second issue, due out in May. I’m thrilled about this, especially seeing the table of contents… and because the editor hasn’t mentioned anything about cutting such a stupendously long title (Shh! I love him a little bit for that). This story proves I actually used my parasitology Master degree for something, although probably not what my folks expected. Amazon link here.
It’s a humorous SF loosely based on that time Robyn and I took that time travelling research course at uni, where I was stuck shovelling dino-dung while she went off to fight krackens… which may or may not have actually happened… (Thanks for the beta read, Robs).